Don't forget to drop by the Losberger booth
at The MATRA Conference and answer the question...
"What year was Losberger Founded"
to be entered to win a
$100 American Express gift card.
Losberger US
With the advancement of technology, today it is much easier to search photos and event designs online. It used to take a lot of nerve to physically copy someone’s idea and pass it off as your own. The world-wide-web has made piracy more tempting, more anonymous and accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, in today’s world it has become a common business practice.
Example of Losberger photos used by competitors
How does your company deal with this issue?
Do you support companies that participate in such business practices?
Do you give credit to vendors when a photo is showing more than your product?
This is such a wide spread problem. I would appreciate any and all comments or share examples of your own!
Entrance tent with a less than 60lbs of weight holding it down for a week long festival?
Obviously, this is a touchy situation but we all stand to lose from inadequate safety.
If you saw these, what would you do?